Hearts on fire; feet on the move...Pope Francis
Today is the vigil of the Ascension – tomorrow is forty days after Easter, when the Lord Jesus ascended into Heaven and promised that He would send the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. It is a time when the Season of Easter now shifts from the presence of the Risen Lord with the Apostles and disciples, to now “wait for the promise of the Father about which you have heard me speak” (Acts of the Apostles 1:4).
It is also the day, that in 1322, an event occurred in the life of the church that truly is a miracle that ought never be forgotten. It is the day in which a little girl, at the age of eleven, received her first Holy Communion as a Dominican nun. This was no ordinary first Holy Communion but one that truly reminds us of what the Lord Jesus has told us: “unless you acquire the heart of a child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God” (Matthew 18:3).
This Dominican Nun is Blessed Imelda Lambertini. She grew up in Bologna, Italy and at the age of nine asked to join the religious life. Her parents, knowing that their daughter was holy but very young. In the end, her parents recognized the depths of her faith and entrusted her to the Dominican sisters.
During this time little Imelda would not have received her first Holy Communion. It was very unlikely that anyone her age would have, for reception of Holy Communion was not presumed to be received by all when the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered. Even in the convent, the sisters would receive Holy Communion no more frequently than most, even though Mass was offered daily.
We prepare for our First Holy Communion by going to our First Reconciliation. We say those very important words to begin; "Bless me Father for I have sinned." After confession we are ready to receive Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist. We should always receive Jesus in the state of grace - friendship with God; which means we are free of mortal sin. This requires a knowledge of our faith and sin. May parents do all in their power to continue to study and live out their faith. A relationship with God each day through prayer is a great way to witness to the Kingdom of God.
We so much need again families that pray together. How rich the blessing there - a life in God is our true peace and joy here on earth. Start with a decade of the Rosary - 3 minutes - add intentions and things we are grateful for to help bring out God's infinite Love and Goodness. Naja, you can do it!